By: AJPosted on July 1, 2021July 5, 2021 Greek Chicken Franchise Apply Online *First Name0/12*Last Name0/16*Email*Mobil Phone0/11*Work Phone0/11*Address0/30*City0/24*Zip Code0/6*Net Worth?$250000-$500000 $500000-$1000000 $1000000-$3000000 3000000-$5000000 $5000000+ Liquid Cash?$250000-$500000 $500000-$1000000 $1000000+ *Territory of Interest?0/20Location*Are you interested in a current corporate store? If yes, which store are you interested in? None Main St. El Cajon Winter Gardens Blvd. Lakeside *Number of stores to develop?1-3 3-5 5-10 10+ *Do you have or had a restaurant before?Yes no have operating partner If yes how many restaurants?None 1-2 2-4 5-10 10+ *Describe your Restaurant or Business experience0/160 Fields with (*) are compulsory.